Greenough Harbour Community


Frequently Asked Questions About Greenough Harbour for Prospective Lot Purchasers

Q: Who is the main contact in the development for questions not covered in this FAQ document?

A: The Greenough Harbour Preservation Association ( GHPA ) Board. You can direct any questions to the email address shown on our site under About Us, or directly to current President of the Association. There are 5 additional Board members. GHPA was formed to ensure that the environmental restrictions placed on the community by the MNR are upheld, and that the restricted covenants are honoured. We are legally compelled to ensure compliance.   

Q: Where can I get the necessary documentation on everything that pertains to the development that I should become familiar with?

A: Contact the Chief Building Official at the municipal office. Her name is Wendy Elliott, her email is and her telephone number is 519-793-3522 x 227. You will want a copy of the subdivision agreement, with all appendices, including restrictive covenants, and most importantly the Environmental Protection Plan, as well as a copy of the community handbook. Alternatively, all of this information can be found on our site under tab “About Us”.

Q: Is there a requirement to build within a certain timeframe?

A: No. You decide when you want to build. However, you will be paying property taxes on the vacant lot, as well as grass cutting fees to GHPA.

Q: Can I build whatever I want?

A: Within reason. All homes at GH must be year-round vs. seasonal, and it is recommended that the exterior colour choices blend in with the natural surroundings. Forward your exterior colour plans for the GHPA Board to review.

Q: Will I become a member of the Association, and what does that entail?

A: Yes. Everyone will become a member when they take title to their property. As a member, there are fees paid quarterly that vary depending on whether you own the lot only, or you are building a house. For 2018, those fees amount to $ 20.00 and $ 120.00 respectively, and are subject to change annually. Membership includes grass cutting at the roadside, group discounted pricing for propane to heat your home, educational and social events, full access to our newsletter and community site, path maintenance to the sandy beach. Full paying residents, ( those with a building permit or house ) can vote at the Annual General Meeting on issues such as appointing Directors, budgets and other material events. The AGM is held early summer every year.

Q: What septic systems are recommended, and do we have municipal water?

A: Waterloo Bio Filter and Norweco are the best choices, and each of us draws water from our own wells. 

Q: Who provides internet, telephone and satellite services?

A: GB Tel provides internet and phone service at a cost. You can reach them at 1-866-840-2858. Shaw satellite tv installation is available through Mike Reid. He can be reached at 519-935-2934.

Q: Is there garbage pickup and recycling available?

A: Yes. Both need to be at the roadside in your Tydee bin by 8:00 a.m. on Monday. Tydee bins can be purchased at Scott’s Home Hardware in Lion’s Head. Contact the Municipality for the rules and regulations around recycling.

Q: Is there mail delivery?

A: No. Your mail would be delivered to the Stokes Bay General Store Post Office on Stokes River Road, only if you became a permanent resident in Stokes Bay.

Q: Where is shopping available?

A: Lion’s Head, a 20 minute drive, is well equipped with a hardware store, grocery store, restaurants and a LCBO. Wiarton, approximately 45 minutes to the south offers more extensive shopping, and 75 minutes away is Owen Sound, with stores to suit most people.

Q: Who is the main Builder for homes at GH?

A: You can choose any Builder you like. A list of Builders is available at the Municipal Office.

Q: What are the planned amenities for the development?

A: There may be enhancements to the boathouse, and potential walking trails in the acreage across the road from our homes, known as block 66.

Q: How many trees can I cut down for my view to the water?

A:  No trees can be removed from the 30 m buffer zone, defined as 30 metres from the drip line of trees at the shore, inward to your cottage, without the written approval of the Association. This is a wildlife corridor that must be protected. As a lakefront owner, we recognize that modest sight lines to the water are desired. Please contact your GHPA Board for more specific sight line guidelines.

Q: Can I build a stone path from my house to the water?

A: No. A natural modest footpath is allowed, preferably using wood chips. Please refer to the sightline policy on our site.

Q: Are all driveways private lanes?

A: To be good stewards of the environment, we strongly recommend shared driveways. The development was planned in that way, to reduce the amount of tree cutting, and to have fewer garbage bins and hydro boxes at the road. 

  Q: What additional structures am I allowed on my property?

A: A garage and a bunkie. Refer to the comprehensive zoning by-law and municipal by-laws for direction. You are also allowed one structure on the lakeside of the drip line of trees, to be no more than 240 s.f., with no railings.

Q:  Can I have a fire at the waters’ edge?

A: No. Any fires you have must be contained and used for warmth, cooking or recreation, and then only when the Municipality has not issued a fire ban. Further information is available at the Fire Department in Lion’s Head.   

Q: Do I own my land to the water’s edge?

A: Yes. There are no reserves at the water’s edge, so it is private property to the low water mark.

Q: Do lot and home owners have any walking trails available to them?

A: Our dues partially include the clearing of paths/trails to the sandy beach and the Charman lands, block 70.

Q: Is there a boathouse to store my boat?

A: Currently there is no accessible boathouse.


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