Greenough Harbour Community


One of the joys of living on the Northern Bruce Peninsula (there are too many to name), is watching for the return of Warblers in the spring. The migration begins in early April with the return of Yellow‐rumped and Pine Warblers and a few Louisiana Waterthrushes. About 20 species of warblers breed on “the Bruce,” including the black-throated green, yellow, yellow-rumped, and Blackburnian warblers and the ubiquitous American redstart. They make their summer homes in the extensive wooded areas along the Peninsula. Since birds do not normally like to fly over bodies of water, they funnel up the Bruce Peninsula towards Tobermory, thus providing excellent opportunities for bird watchers.


Above is the Yellow-rumped warbler.

The Ferndale Flats which run from Pike Bay Rd to just north of Ferndale on Highway 6 is a great place to bird watch. Nesting meadow species including Brewer’s Blackbird, Upland Sandpiper, Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark, like the prairie-like habitat. Birds sit on fence posts, the back roads are quiet, the view is panoramic and the spotting is easy.  Birding is done from Highway 6 and from the many side roads.

To join a birding event, the Huron Fringe Birding Festival is usually held for a week late in May at McGregor Point Provincial Park. You can also make the drive up to the Bruce Peninsula Birding Observatory which is located on the road to the Cabots Head Lighthouse north of Dyers Bay.

Happy Birding!