Greenough Harbour Community

Charman Lodge

A trip back in time at the Charman Lodge!

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3 thoughts on “Charman Lodge

  1. Mavis hewitt

    This lodge was talked about by my dad and i always was taken in by his stories.. i have walked out to the ruins and I have seen them from the water in my kayak .. do u have any history on it .. or more pics? When was it built etc .. thank you in advance if u do

  2. rouse

    Hi Mavis. I have a lot of informtion, and photos if you like to share with you. Please call me at 905-304-5907. I checked the telephone book for your number but I don’t think you live here anymore.

    Doug Rouse
    Greenough Harbour Preservation Association

    1. Mavis Hewitt maiden name Kelly

      Hi Doug, i just seen your reply. We live in Woodstock have a cottage in stokes bay my cell # is 519 535 0936 … dont always get good signal tho when we are at the cottage. We are going up next Wednesday for about a month. I would love to see your pics and stories.
      Thanks so much!

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